ecommerce cro audit

How much money are you leaving on the table every month because of an unoptimized store?

9 out of 10 people who receive their ecommerce site's audit message me saying the exact same thing - "I can't believe we missed all these things."

But that's what happens when you look at your store every day.

Getting so close to your product and brand will make you miss plenty of (sometimes very obvious) opportunities that will hurt your conversion rate.

That's why it's so helpful to get a second pair of experienced eyes to find these opportunities and recommend ways you can leverage them to optimize your store.

Just imagine how converting (at least) 10-20% more visitors will increase your revenue.

Is this for me?

  • If you are a founder or marketer at an ecommerce company
  • If you have an ecommerce store that you want to convert better but either don’t know what to optimize or have run out of ideas as nothing seems to move the needle
  • If you’re launching a new store and want to make sure it's optimized for conversions before you start sending paid traffic to it

...then I guarantee you'll get tremendous value from this audit.

What do I get?

You’ll get a detailed, screen by screen analysis of your store's full user journey containing countless actionable recommendations on:

  • Messaging
  • UX
  • Design
  • Information and visual architecture
  • Behavioral psychology
  • Brand consistency

Pages included in the CRO audit:

  • Homepage
  • Category page
  • Product details page
  • Checkout flow
  • Any other pages that take part in the conversion journey and are underoptimized

The analysis is based on research, heuristics, and deep knowledge of what makes users convert. Not on personal preferences.

Your store audit will contain a mix of quick wins, large and certain improvements, and more adventurous test ideas. They’ll help you remove funnel bottlenecks killing your conversion rate, as well as increase your LTV and AOV.

And if you’ll need to discuss any of the insights or next steps, we’ll schedule (an optional) call to make sure everything is clear.

OK, show me some examples

And who are you?

I’m Kacper, Growth Marketer and maker of Scrapbook. I help ecommerce and SaaS companies with acquisition and retention, and in the past couple of years, I’ve analyzed 250+ websites helping their teams understand why their sites are not converting.

Order your audit below

Single page audit
What's included
In-depth analysis of one store page of your choice
Actionable recommendations on your store UX, messaging, design, information and visual hierarchy, behavioral psychology, and brand consistency
Custom tips to help you remove funnel bottlenecks and improve your conversion and AOV
Higher conversion rate guarantee
Delivered in 5 business days
Get Scrapbook Ecommerce for free ($147 value)
Order Your Audit
Full store audit
What's included
In-depth analysis of all your store's key pages
Actionable recommendations on your store UX, messaging, design, information and visual hierarchy, behavioral psychology, and brand consistency
Custom tips to help you remove funnel bottlenecks and improve your conversion and AOV
Higher conversion rate guarantee
Delivered in 10 business days
Get Scrapbook Ecommerce for free ($147 value)
Order Your Audit

What happens after I order the audit?

I’ll send you a simple onboarding questionnaire that will help me understand your product and audience better. Then, I’ll get to work on your store's audit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who will create my ecommerce site's audit?
I (Kacper) personally create all audits from beginning to end.

I need a more comprehensive audit - can you do that?
If you want me to analyze more landing pages or other user flows, just send me a message below describing what you need.

Can you analyze my ad account?
Yes, I can analyze your ad account if it’s on Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Can you white-label your ecommerce audits?
Yes, please shoot me a message below with more details and we can discuss it.

Do you really guarantee higher conversion rate?
That's right. If you implement the recommendations from the audit and testing them (based on statistically significant sample) won't result in higher conversion rate, I will fully refund you.

Can I get an invoice?
Absolutely! Just send me your company details after your order.

I have some other questions

Shoot me a message with more details and let’s talk!

Thanks! I'll be in touch soon!
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